CARE iS thE sWeEteSt fOrM of LuV sO wHeN sUm1 sAyS tAkE cArE ThEy rEaLLy mEaN dAt YoU WiLL sTaY iN tHeiR hEaRt tiLL itS LaSt bEaT tAkE cArE gUd niGHt And sWeEt dReAmS!!! ~^~.. ~~..~~..~~...~~^
“TEMPLE” is a 6 letter word… “CHURCH” is a 6 letter word!! “MOSQUE” is also a 6 letter word!!! ALSO, “GEETA “is a 5 letter word.. “BIBBLE” is a 5 letter word!!! “QURAN “is also a 5 letter word. These words have different spelling. But the thing they express is the same. So religion is not a matter. The love we have that only matters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish that God would hold you tight I hope that angels will keep you in site Now just to make sure you feel all right M gonna wish you a wonderful Night
QuEs: Why iS thE PoLicE nicKnameD "ThE hEaRt of thE coUntRy"? Ans: It bEaTs.. bEaTs... bEaTs.... ok..anOthEr onE... NuRsE cAmE ouT wiTh thE nEwBoRn kiD, mAn rUshEd 2 hEr & aftEr sEeiNg thE kiD hE shOutEd, SON...SON... Yahoo..SON. ShE sLappEd hiM: LeaVe mY fiNgEr, u fooL, It’s a gaL 'SmiLe iN cAsE...SmiLe iN pAiN...SmiLe whEn trOubLe...pOuR likE rAiN...SmiLe whEn soMEoNE hurT uR feLLinGs...SmiLes yOu kNoW aRe vErY hAiLinG so">" border="0"/>so busy oK...i'M gOiNg havE niCe timE
WhEn iT rAiNs yOu doNt sEE thE sUn bUt itS tHeRe... HoPe wE cAn bE likE thAt. We dOnT aLwayS sEE eaCh oThEr buT wE wiLL aLwayS bE thErE.......haVE rOcKiNg RaiNy dAy.. My FriEnD....
NoBoDy tEachEs SuN tO risE, FiSh tO swiM, birDs tO fLy,PLanT tO gRoW, ChiLd tO cRy, & NoBoDy teAchEs a hEaRt tO chOoSe a friEnD LikE U....GooD NiGhT...
RaiN iS noT onLy droPs of watEr.. It iS tHe LOVE of sKy foR eartH...ThEy nEvEr mEeT eAch othEr buT sEnd LOVE thiS wAy. EnjOy thE LOVE of nAtuRe...GooD eveNING.......... so happy to see you nice friend