">http://www.picamatic.com/show/2011/09/27/12/34/7899382_583x327.jpg" border="0"/> A L I C E ">http://www.picamatic.com/show/2011/09/27/12/37/7899387_383x41.png" border="0"/>
">http://www.picamatic.com/show/2011/09/22/05/40/7888325_80x137.gif" border="0"/> The secret of health for both mind and body is
Not to mourn for the past…
Not to worry about the future…
Not to anticipate troubles…
But to live in the present, moment wisely & earnestly. Good Morning! ">http://i820.photobucket.com/albums/zz121/vivy2010/65b04b56.png" border="0"/> ">http://www.picamatic.com/show/2011/09/22/05/41/7888328_477x63.gif" border="0"/>
">http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/307847_201891613210813_100001699260866_529053_901269429_s.jpg" border="0"/> When I Was Small I Laughed Less But There Was Infinite Hidden Joy,
As I Grew Up I Learn To Laugh A Lot To Hide The Unspoken Sadness... =/