">http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-muzfgqun.jpg" border="0"/> One day you will see that it all Has Finally come together ">http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-73svar34.gif" border="0"/> what you Have always wished for Has finally come to be ">http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-73svar34.gif" border="0"/> You will look Back And laugh at what has passed ">http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-73svar34.gif" border="0"/> And you will ask yourself ">http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-73svar34.gif" border="0"/> "How did I get through all of that?" ">http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-73svar34.gif" border="0"/> Just never let go of hope Just never quit dreaming ">http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-73svar34.gif" border="0"/> And never let love depart from your life GoD">http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-84nux4ds.gif" border="0"/>GoD Bless">http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-84nux4ds.gif" border="0"/> ">http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-oj5ewj4t.gif" border="0"/>
">http://up.3ros.net/get-6-2011-42umzmlh.jpg" border="0"/> Fear is the dark room where The devil develops his NEGATIVES Always Be positive AnD don't let devil become your relative
Be Blessed....Take care with Love and Hugs ">http://up.3ros.net/get-6-2011-lljmphuk.gif" border="0"/> ☻ ☻GoD Bless☻ ☻
Life never leaves u empty...it always replaces everything u lost!!! If it ask u to put something down, its coz it wants u to pick up something is greater...tak care dear!!!